giant planet




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1·Our galaxy is so huge that dozens of lesser galaxies scamper about it, like moons orbiting a giant planet.
2·But Saturn's fellow gas giant planet Jupiter has four big moons.
3·This might suggest a giant planet, at least the size of Jupiter and maybe up to four times as big.
4·The planet orbiting epsilon Eridani is a giant planet, with a mass about 1.5 times that of Jupiter.
带有行星的epsilon Eridani是一颗巨行星,质量为木星的1.5倍。
5·Giant planet GJ 436b in the constellation Leo is missing something — and that something is swamp gas.
位于狮子座的巨大的行星GJ 436b正在丢失一些东西,这些东西就是沼气。
6·Tyche is the nickname given to a hypothesized gas giant planet located in the Solar System's Oort cloud.
7·As one example, a gas giant planet called HD 209458b has been found to contain oxygen, carbon and water.
举个例子,人们发现一颗被称为HD 209458b的巨大的气体行星含有氧、碳和水。
8·Researchers say the giant planet, named BD+20 1790b, is 35 million years old and six times the mass of Jupiter.
研究人员称,这颗名叫BD+20 1790b的巨大行星年龄有3500万年,体积是木星的六倍。
9·Games ago for the very distant background of The Times, all kinds of biological control of the giant planet.
10·At its closest approach, the giant planet will swing closer and shine brighter than at any time between 1963 and 2022.
在其最接近点,这颗巨大的行星将旋转着靠近地球,而其亮度则会是1963年~ 2022年里最亮的。
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:16